Veći broj učenika i osnovnih i srednjih škola moći će da se uključi u različite programe u Petnici |
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Sadašnji vrlo skroman kapacitet Letnje naučne škole za osnovce bi se najmanje utrostručio.
Trenutna mogućnost za uključivanje srednjoškolaca u godišnji ciklus seminara i kampova je oko 800 učenika. Planira se da ovaj broj postepeno naraste na oko 1,500.
Značajno će porasti mogućnost organizovane posete i celodnevni rad školskih naučnih sekcija u modernim kabinetima i laboratorijama u Petnici |
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Mogućnost da se uz pomoć saradnika Stanice izvedu zanimljivi ogledi, demonstracije i samostalne aktivnosti učenika na savremenim instrumentima i učilima uz korišćenje drugih tehničkih servisa u Istraživačkoj stanici.
Znatno više raznovrsnih programa stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika i saradnika u školama različitog profila |
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Udoban smeštaj, moderan restoran, odlično opremljena biblioteka sa specijalizovanim Resursnim centrom za nastavnike, moderne laboratorije i kabineti i pažljivo izabrane teme – sve će to omogućiti da se u Petnici izvode najkvalitetniji programi obuke iz oblasti gde postoji izrazita potreba. |
Veća mogućnost direktne stručne podrške petničkog Resursnog centra |
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Velika kolekcija elektronskih i štampanih publikacija, tekstova, ilustracija, video materijala i sl. – sve će to moći da se lakše i brže stavi na korišćenje zainteresovanim kolegama u školama. |
Konačno uslovi i za prave naučne ekskurzije u Petnicu |
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Celodnevne ekskurzije za učenike svih uzrasta – od predškolaca do srednjoškolaca sa zanimljivim programom eksperimenata, demonstracija, predavanja, obilaska niza izložbenih sadržaja uključujući mineraloške, petrološke, biološke i arheološke kolekcije itd. |
Podrška naprednim i zahtevnim projektima učenika u vannastavnim aktivnostima |
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Nastavnici čiji učenici rade na projektima istraživačkog, naučnog, ekološkog i sličnog tipa a koji, u određenom momentu, prevazilaze tehničke mogućnosti (oprema, literatura) škole i lokalne sredine, moći će da se obrate Istraživačkoj stanici za pomoć. |
Slobodan i neograničen uvid u obrazovna dostignuća razvijenih zemalja |
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Resursni centar Istraživačke stanice ostvaruje uvid u zanimljive i vredne ideje i iskustva drugih zemalja. Bez ikakvih ideoloških, političkih ili makar samo uskogrudih barijera, kolege iz škola moći će da vide kako i šta to rade njihove kolege širom sveta. |

A statement of Božidar Djelić,
Deputy Prime Minister of European Integration and
Minister of Science and Technological Development
Serbia recognises the importance
of young researchers
For its 30th anniversary, the Petnica Science Center will receive an unusual birthday present from the Ministry of Science and Technological Development: a new modern research complex. Recognising the educational value of the Petnica Science Center and its role in developing generations of new scientists, the Ministry has included the reconstruction and modernization of the Center in the Serbian R&D Infrastructure Investment Initiative. For the realization of this initiative a 200 million EUR financial agreement has been signed with the European Investment Bank and additional funds have been secured.
The total value of the new complex in Petnica is 7.6 million EUR out of which 5.4 million EUR will be invested in a new dormitory and research facility, as well as reconstruction of existing buildings including a new library and extensions to the dining hall. The remaining 2.3 million EUR will be spent on research equipment. Construction which will start in the spring of 2011 and is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2012.
The Petnica Science Center has been home to over 50,000 students so far and has created a network of over 1500 researchers who participate in its programs. Modern equipment and new facilities will help Petnica attract even more researchers, students and teachersand will improve the quality of research conducted in Petnica. This investment can even provide a basis for Petnica’s collaboration with the private sector and industry in providing services and conducting research and measurements. We expect from the Petnica Science Center to take full advantage of its’ new capacities and to continue being the leading institution for the development of young researchers in Serbia and beyond.

[Petnica Center 3.0]
exansion projects
benefits for schools
What Serbian (and regional!) schools can expect to be the most important benefits from the Petnica Center after expansion and reconstruction?
1. Many more students in age group 13-19 (grade 7-12) will attend a wide spectrum of training programes, courses and camps in the Petnica Center. The actual number of about 50 elementary- school students will triple, and 800 secondary-school students (2010) will increase up to 1,500.
2. Many more schools will be able to organize all-day activities in the Petnica Center for school science clubs and extracurricular activity groups. Such visits of up to 40 students in each group, will be able to enjoy in rich activities such as guided tours, interesting lectures, hands-on experiments and lab work in a number of school subjects or in some more areas of science and technology.
3. More teacher training courses. Existing three-day teacher training programs will upgrade thanks to better boarding conditions (more comfortable rooms, new restaurant) and modern lecture rooms, laboratories, equipment, computers, library and free access to specific resources for school teachers.
4. Existing Teachers’ Resource Center will also expand its services. Not just during training courses, but through short visits, teachers will be able to find plenty of up-to-date teaching material from all abroad.
5. Petnica Center will be ready to host single day school excursions (class trips, teachers group visits) with up to 200 people in a group. Combination of open space activities with lectures and practical demonstrations will fulfill the problem of design activities for specific age groups keeping in mind that in country there are no single modern science center or science museum (one is expected to be opened soon).
6. Petnica Center will be ready to support various profiles of students science projects (individual or team projects) which exceed school abilities in equipment, specialized teacher experience, or technical resources in small local communities.
7. Free and unlimited access to resources and material which illustrates or explains top international educational experiences, methods, curricula and ideas