Jubilarni šesti Petnica International odigrao se u prve dve nedelje avgusta, po 2pi-ti put, na adresi 44°14’ 50’’ N & 19°55’ 50’’ E, sa početkom u 15.00 GMT+1. Sa pripremama i nesmanjenim entuzijazmom smo otpočeli u četvrtak 25. februara na Institutu za fiziku (zgrada žuta, plavo-smeđi Dunav, opština znači Zemun), a glavni cilj je bio da nastavimo i nadgradimo PI-onirski pokušaj okupljanja studenata iz celog sveta raspoloženih da letovanje zamene predavanjima, noćni život laboratorijskim eksperimentima, dokolicu pisanjem samostalnih projekata, a more, čist vazduh i dobro društvo, bazenima, petničkim nebom i domaćim polaznicima elektronike, hemije, antropologije i računarstva. Iskustvo i prošlogodišnja evaluacija ubedili su nas da smanjimo broj predavanja, povećamo sumu praktičnih zadataka, uvedemo još koju društvenu disciplinu i razmotrimo inicijaciju novih i čistokrvnih saradnika.
Bilo nam je veliko zadovoljstvo i bili smo počastvovani da ponovo vidimo prijavu Dejvida iz Nemačke koji je spreman da po drugi put slavi rođedan u Petnici, Olivere iz Bugarske koja se u međuvremenu preselila u Srbiju da bi studirala u Beogradu, Eriola i Rinalda iz Albanije čije prisustvo nam je osujetila naša rođena ambasada iz njoj znanih, a nama stranih razloga. Na kraju smo dočekali 13 polaznika iz osam zemalja (Amerika, Izrael, Nemačka, Španija, Bugarska, Makedonija, Hrvatska i Srbija), a pratilo ih je razigranih 30 stručnih i mlađih saradnika (odnosno po novogovoru konsultanata i asistenata). Prošlogodišnju besprekornu saradnju petničkih i inostranih astronoma, biologa, biohemičara, lingvista, fizičara, psihologa i arheologa dopunili smo sa nekoliko antropologa predavača.

Glavna strategija PI seminara jeste da ponudi potencijalnim polaznicima raznolikost petničkih sadržaja i uigranost stručnih saradnika oguglalih na nepredvidive srednjoškolce. Iako iz različitih delova sveta i sa drugačijih fakulteta, studente PI-a povezuju slična interesovanja, želja da razmenjuju mišljenja i strast prema različitim poljima nauke. Oni ne znaju kakva će biti hrana i koliki kreveti, ali znaju šta i koliko će moći da urade iz oblasti za koje su zaintersovani. Na našem PI sajtu pi.petnica.rs njima se iz tog razloga tri meseca ranije nude apstrakti različitih projekata, koje je sigurno moguće realizovati u Istraživačkoj stanici Petnica. Na njima je da se odluče za određeni rad kojim će se baviti tokom dvonedeljnog boravka u Stanici, ili da nam predlože sopstveni, čemu se uvek naročito radujemo.
PI-onirima se ostavlja mogućnost da zaborave šta su hteli da budu kad porastu. Na PI-u jedan matematičar može da preispita svoje želje i interesovanja i da pomno istraži astronomsku temu, psiholog da se pridruži biohemičarima u borbi protiv alergija, lingvista da zavrne rukave belog mantila u hemijskoj laboratoriji i prouči metodologiju jedne eksperimentalne nauke (svaka sličnost sa PI-onirima je namerna). Ove godine je realizovano devet radova, a Damjan Kostadinov iz Kumanova je bio naš usmeni predstavnik na devetoj Petničkoj konferenciji sa opojnim radom „Synergistic antioxidant effect of anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds extracted from the red wine“.
Naredni put želimo pre svega još više kvalitetnih prijava, veći izbor potencijalnih projekata, manje poteškoća sa vizama i možda još koji razlog da nam se PI dogodi dva puta u godini.

Dear Nemanja,
I hope things are well in Serbia. I'm writing to you to tell you that we had a nice journey back to Spain. Thank you again for everything you have done for me in Petnica (I recovered my passport!) I really had a great time in PI. I knew people and made friends from all around the world and that's the most precious thing. I didn't know many things about Serbia but now I will always remember what I learnt there, not only in science but also in life. I learnt that small countries can also hide brilliant people in them. These two weeks are now unforgettable to me. I am a really lucky guy, since not everybody has the chance to experience what I did.
Thank you again, and see you!
When I went to Petnica last year, I experienced an atmosphere of extraordinary science education, strong motivation of the teaching staff and I enjoyed encounters with many interesting and interested people of different cultural backgrounds. When I came back to Germany, I realized the great difference between my experiences in Petnica and the rigid education system at home. I later talked to my mentor at University about this perception and we both agreed that the “Petnica System” could be a good model for promotion of gifted students in general.
So, although I already reached a certain degree of experience with national and international seminars and other education programmes, I was quite impressed by what Petnica presented. In contrast to my former experiences, the camp was not limited to certain subjects but had a very broad approach. We had lectures on topics from medieval swords and lyme borreliosis up to the origin of languages and sex.
Also, I enjoyed the very pleasant atmosphere between the students and the lecturers, without any big age differences, and the cultural exchange among the different nationalities. All in all, I liked very much the people in Petnica (with some of them I stay in contact even now), the nice weather and sometimes even the food ;-)
That is why I apply for Petnica international once more: to work under such exciting conditions again. I hope it will be as good as previously! David
[Petnica Center 2010]
PI - international camp
August 2010 – curious students from Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Israel, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain and the USA, gathered in Petnica to attend our traditional PI Summer Science Camp. They decided to exchange typical summer vacation for (not so) hard work in science, interwoven with recreation on nearby swimming pool, and specific “Petnica society” – dozens of gifted students who participate some other parallel science camps such as Mathematics, Biology, Anthropology, Physics, Archaeology, Astronomy, Chemistry, etc. David came from Germany for second time to celebrate his birthday among friends in Petnica.
Petnica International Summer Science Camp (PI) is a school for students who have completed secondary school and for undergraduate university students. The participants practice scientific research on their own projects and communicate their results and ideas. They can also attend a range of lectures and lab sessions, do field work and learn how to use important scientific software packages. All of this was followed by evening movies, morning cartoons, hiking trough the countryside, trips to nearby mountains, Belgrade, and more.
The main criteria for admission are motivation for extracurricular work and demonstrated interest in science and independent thinking. The ultimate goal was that each participant realizes their own small science project (which was chosen freely, independently of their previous life). Grades are important, but more so is an open mind. If you need financial support, do not hesitate to contact the organisers. The working language is English and the registration deadline is 31 May 2011.
You can find more details on
pi.petnica.rs |