kako prepoznati prave istraživače
- Ko drugome jamu kopa, pa sam u nju upadne i još je
zadovoljan, garantovano je eksperimentalni arheolog!
- Ko gleda u nebo nije astronom (astronomi gledaju u
- Ko mnogo priča, nije lingvista (lingvisti slušaju)
- Ko lovi bube, nije biolog. Biolozi proučavaju. Bube
love gušteri i ježevi.
- Kamen po kamen – geološka zbirka!
- Ko mnogo računa, nije matematičar, a ni bankar.
Računari računaju. Matematičari rešavaju probleme
koje sami smisle, a bankari samo uzimaju. Pre će biti
da je penzioner ili politikant.
Studiozno urađena anketa među polaznicima, saradnicima,
zaposlenima, nastavnicima, ministrima i drugim osobama u
vezi sa Petnicom ukazuje na urgentne zahteve za promenama
u projektu proširenja kapaciteta Stanice. Šta anketirane predlažu
da se obavezno izgradi? Zatvoreni bazen, Skijalište,
Vodopad, Opera (manja), Sala za venčanja (može i virtuelna,
samo da radi), Švedski sto posto! |
Petnički astronomi su nakon trogodišnjeg mukotrpnog rada uspeli
da dešifruju “poruku sa zvezda” -- po svemu sudeći
poruku vanzemaljskog porekla koja je zbunjivala bugarske
akademike i brojne domaće eksperte za menadžment. Iako je
embargo na sadržaj još na snazi, skorašnji put Nikole Božića u
Etiopiju i Egipat ukazuje da odgovor valja tražiti eđu piramidama
ili makar u njihovoj blizini. |
Iz dobro obaveštenih lokalnih krugova saznaje se da su
izvesni bliski saradnici ministra prosvete u tajnosti posetili Petnicu
tražeći kompromitujući materijal -- sliku Čarlsa arvina,
kartu Evropske Unije ili makar knjige koje država nije odobrila.
Priča se da su otprilike u isto vreme i agenti Istraživačke stanice
šunjali po Ministarstvu tražeći gde su skrivene pare koje je
Ministarstvo dobilo od Vlade za pomoć Petnici. |
pogodite šta je u kutiji:
a) obećanja političara da će pomoći Petnicu
b)nova verzija Zakona o obrazovanju
c)polazničke prijave kojima je istekao rok

Zabavite se do sledećeg broja – pokušajte
da rešite ovaj rebus (pomoć: jedna reč,
vlastita imenica)
camps & courses]
camps, workshops...
EXPEDITION. Petnica's Geologists and Archaeologists
are exploring mountain
Medvednik for 3 years now. The goal is to
locate ancient copper mines and closely
determine the history and content of local
mining. Geological explorations determined
low anthropogenic influence on the waters,
while the Archaeological crew focused on
recording miner's graves from the 19th
century. The plan is to expand the area of
exploration towards nearby mountain
Povlen in 2010.
EXPERIMENT. New love in Petnica – Archaeologists
and Experiment. Apart from discovering
different techniques of firing
ceramics, participants also tried to reconstruct
a neolithic oven.During next year, it is
planed to further explore these technologies,
and also explore ancient techniques
of small animal hunting (cats and dogs –
beware!!!). It is now certain that experimental
Archaeology is becoming firmly established
in the Archaeology program.
PHILOSOPHY TRAINING. The need of constant
education among Heads of Petnica's programs,
and not just from their field of expertise,
is a must. This is especially the
case with topics on Scientific work Methodology.
By the end of 2009, during the application
selection process, our guest was Dr.
Milan Cirkovic, in front of a group of young
experts, mostly close associates of Petnica
Science Center “mysteriously” called KoEd
(CoEd – Continual Education). The topic
was “What makes research work scientific”
emphasizing the differences between different
areas of Science, reflecting to the
messages sent to Petnica programs participants.
observers, are as always, uncatchable.
One can find traces of them in the darkest
spots, where from, as they say, is the best
place for “falling stars” hunting. Recently
there are some video cameras helping
them, but it is still unclear who is controlling
who's work. Nevertheless, participants
have used their result for individual projects
concerning comparison of visual and automated
data capturing. There is a rumor that
they have organized four camps and the
traditional gathering on Debelo Brdo, dedicated
to beans and Perseids.
its surroundings were again the subject of
photo-research work conducted by the participants
of the 7th School of Photography
held in October 2009. The staff responsible
for the program, is proud that one last
year's alumni is now “a proven” student of
Photography. As photography knows no
language limits, we encourage you to see
what they have to say at |