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polaznici, saradnici, nastavnici,
roditelji, prijatelji, sponzori
u proleće 1999 godine počinje sa radom
  Cilj Fondacije je da pruži materijalnu i drugu potrebnu podršku kvalitetnim programima i poduhvatima podrške pametnim i ambicioznim mladim ljudima kao i samostalnosti u radu i razvoju IS Petnica.

Fondacija bi bila i prilika za obnavljanje kontakata i uspostavljanje novih ličnih i profesionalnih veza između bivših polaznika i ranijih saradnika Stanice.

Od osnivanja ISP do danas kroz preko 1200 programa Stanice prošlo je blizu 30,000 učesnika. Danas među njima ima hiljade sjajnih stručnjaka koji rade po celom svetu.

Fondacija bi prikupljala sredstva putem različitih oblika članarine i direktnih priloga opšte ili specifično određene namene (za literaturu, opremu, izvođenje programa, podršku učenicima i studentima, usavršavanja, putovanja, publikovanje).

Članovi Fondacije bi bili redovno obaveštavani o programima Fondacije i akcijama koje Fondacija vodi kao i o trošenju prikupljenih sredstava.

Sva sredstva koje Fondacija obezbedi biće upotrebljena za programe i aktivnosti. Administrativne funkcije Fondacije obezbeđivaće bez nadoknade stručne službe IS Petnica. Pozivamo sve zainteresovane da se jave koordinatoru poslova formiranja Fondacije Srbi Jovanoviću na tel/fax: 011 458 307, 344 2977, 344 2997 ili da direktno kontaktiraju ISP (0)14 24 12 80, 24 11 80, 24 13 10, fax 24 12 12, e-mail petnica_foundation@psc.ac.yu


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We are proud to announce the establishment of
Petnica Foundation!

After seventeen years of successful and fruitful work, after more than 1,100 courses, workshops, and science camps, after almost 30,000 of participants, and more than 3,000 guest lecturers, teachers, and scientists, the Petnica Science Center is establishing Petnica Foundation.
The main aim of the Petnica Foundation is to support programs and projects in education and promote gifted and talented young people, as well as to assure independence and development of Petnica Science Center.  
Petnica Foundation will support establishing contacts and communication among Petnica's alumni and promote international cooperation in education of gifted and talented students.
 In the last seventeen years 30,000 students from hundreds of schools atten-ded thousands of courses, camps, and workshops in Petnica Science Center. Today, many of them became excellent scholars, scientists, artists, and businessmen all around the world.
Petnica Foundation will collect funds through various donations for general and for specific use (such as books, journals, equipment, scholarships, edu-cational programs, publishing, etc.)
Petnica Foundation members will be regularly informed about the Foundation's projects and activities including the use of funds. Funds will not be used for administrative or advertising costs.
We call our alumni, guest teachers, science fellows, parents, friends, and sponsors for support Petnica Foundation.

More information can be obtained from Petnica Science Center via its Belgrade office (Mr Srba Jovanovic, phone +381 11 458 307) or directly by phone +381 14 241 310, by fax +381 14 241 212, or by e-mail: petnica_foundation@psc.ac.yu


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